An old proverb summed it up centuries ago: "Cobbler, stick to your last". In our case rather "Hosters, stick to your hosting". Some providers on the market claim to be experts in web and mail hosting and offer their customers unbeatable all-round carefree packages for little money. But that real professionals would recommend, Strictly separate web and mail hostingis not mentioned there. That's why we have summarized the four most important advantages of separate web and mail hosting for you.
100%ight deliverability of your mails
Sooner or later you will be confronted with the consequences of choosing a shared hosting provider (mail + web). Customers will complain why they are still waiting for a reply, or valuable leads will never respond to your request even though there was already interest. Because your emails either didn't arrive or ended up in the hated spam folder.
The following scenario will help you to visualize the principle:
You live in a block of flats with 100 other parties. So everyone, including you, lives at the same address, even if you live in different apartments. The police have to be called regularly because of disturbances due to one party. That's why your address is already known to the police for disturbing the peace.
You can also imagine this with shared web hosting. A large number of users (homes) share a server (house) via which each user sends their emails. If there is even one black sheep who regularly sends spam or phishing emails, your IP address (address of the house) will be blacklisted by other mail servers (police). As soon as this happens, your emails will end up in the recipient's spam folder and will probably never be read, or only much later.
With a professional mail hoster, on the other hand, you can access your own resources back and are thus completely independent of other users. This way you can be sure that your emails will end up in the recipient's mailbox and you won't end up on the blacklist because of another unknown person.
Greater protection against spam mails
In contrast to a mail hoster, a web host concentrates on hosting websites and bases its structures on this. WPspace For example, thanks to special server structures WordPress Hosting specialized and can therefore Better WordPress hosting services than a standard web host. Although you can also send and receive emails via a web host, you will never have the same protection against spam emails as with the large and well-known email providers.
In contrast to a web hoster, a mail hoster offers you a powerful Protection against spam and phishing mails. With the help of artificial intelligence, emails are pre-sorted and you only receive the emails that are genuine and important to you. This saves you the daily flood of spam and phishing emails and you can devote your time to real customers instead (... instead of emails about imaginary lottery wins, inheritances or super special prizes).
Own computing power
In Germany, every day around 1.5 billion mails sent - And the trend is rising. Most emails are sent for business purposes and sometimes contain important information or attached files such as images or documents. The emails are stored and managed via the selected server, which must offer a lot of storage space as well as high computing power. If you choose a mail hosting provider, you will have no problems with the required computing power or storage space. As a rule, there are no limits and each user has their own computing power.
Accessibility even during server problems
At WPspace, we ensure the best possible availability of almost 100% per year - it doesn't get any better than that. Although other hosting providers also advertise the availability of their servers, they cannot promise you that they will always be available. This is because server downtime can occur at any time for unforeseeable reasons.
And when things go wrong with a shared hosting provider, they really go wrong. You will clearly feel the consequences of a server failure here. Because for you, this means unavailability. Your customers won't be able to send you emails or visit your website to check why their emails can't be delivered. This uncertainty leads to an uneasy feeling among some existing customers, which can result in a Switch to the competition can lead to.
However, if your emails and website each run on their own server, you can always be reached at least one way. And quite honestly, how many name servers does Microsoft? I'm of the opinion that you need a near doomsday to achieve the unavailability of your mails hosted at Microsoft. That's one of the reasons we're proud of it Certified Microsoft Partner to be.
If you want to do more with your mailbox than just receive newsletters and want your website to be accessible, secure and fast at the same time, you should choose the right mail hosting partner. That way, you won't have to worry about emails arriving too late or not at all. That's why we at WPspace deliberately focus on our core business WordPress Hosting and trust the real professionals when it comes to emails.
Is your "all-round carefree package" from a shared hosting provider causing you stress, annoyance and worry? Then write to us directly in the chat - your personal contact will take care of you individually.