Google Fonts Check
Are you at risk of warning?

Have your website checked by a WordPress expert for free and avoid warning letters!

(*) The Google Fonts Check is free of charge for you. The result will be sent to you by email. Afterwards you can book an appointment for the local integration of the Google Fonts by WPspace. By using the check you agree that we may contact you by email with the result of the check.

What you need to know!

The most important thing in a nutshell.

  • Currently, there is an increasing number of cases in which website operators are being targeted by private individuals and law firms demanding compensation of several hundred euros for incorrectly used Google Fonts.
  • Use our Google Fonts Scanner to check whether your fonts are embedded locally or remotely. In case of a remote integration, we will support you with the correct integration of the Google Fonts.
  • Never respond directly to warnings or simply pay the damages. Use our Google Font Scanner and seek the advice of a lawyer in case of a warning.

Table of contents

What is it about?

The wave of warnings was triggered by Munich Regional Court, judgment dated January 19, 2022, Case No. 3 O 17493/20.

The indictment states that the operator of the accused website had integrated Google Fonts remotely into her pages. This leads to the IP addresses of the visitors being passed on to Google without their direct consent by means of a cookie banner. The plaintiff then demanded injunctive relief and damages. These were granted due to the violation of the general personal rights.

What are Google Fonts?

Google Fonts is a font collection of over 1,400 different and publicly available fonts. These fonts can be integrated both locally and remotely, i.e. via the US Google servers. The remote integration sometimes transmits personal data of your website visitors to Google and is therefore not DSGVO-compliant if used incorrectly.

Google Fonts vs. WordPress

As German WordPress hosting provider, we are of course particularly interested in the integration of Google Fonts in the most popular CMS WordPress. According to our experience, popular WordPress page builders and themes, such as DIVI or Elementor remotely integrated Google Fonts by default. Accordingly, the use of these themes and page builders is not GDPR-compliant without further adjustments to the system.

Expert tip

Avoid the risk of a warning letter and use our Google Fonts Scanner to check your WordPress website for incorrectly embedded Google Fonts. Afterwards, one of our WordPress experts will personally check your website for you and inform you about the result via email. We will be happy to support you personally with the correct implementation of Google Fonts.

Consequences of a warning because of Google Fonts

The aim of the law firms and private individuals issuing warnings is to extract several hundred euros from your pocket for the data protection violation. If you do not respond to this warning, the plaintiffs usually exercise their right to complain to the data protection supervisory authority. In most cases, this leads to substantial claims for damages and cease-and-desist declarations.

What you can do to avoid a warning letter.

In any case, you should check your website for remotely embedded Google Fonts. You can do this for example with our Google Fonts Scanner do

If the fonts of your website are loaded remotely, you should replace them with locally embedded Google fonts as soon as possible. If you have the necessary know-how, you can either do this yourself or, as a WPspace customer, let us do it for you.

What you can do if you have received a warning.

First of all, you should stay calm. A warning letter is never nice and the costs can scare you at first. The best way to proceed is as follows:

  1. Check your website for remotely embedded Google Fonts. You can do this by searching the source code of your website for links like or Alternatively, you can also use our Google Fonts Scanner use
  2. If you notice that you are using Google Fonts illegally, you should switch to local integration as soon as possible. If you don't know how to do this, we'll be happy to help you.
  3. If you are already using Google Fonts in a legally compliant manner, we recommend that you respond to the plaintiff by stating that, according to the LG München I, you are using Google Fonts in a legally compliant manner.
  4. In all other cases, we recommend that you seek professional legal advice.

Avoid the risk of a warning now

Take advantage now of our Google Fonts Check and have a real WordPress expert check your website for remotely embedded fonts.

This article is not legal advice, nor can it be guaranteed that the information on this page is legally correct. WPspace cannot and will not advise you on legal issues.