Become a guest author now - here's how!

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Become a guest author
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We are always on the lookout for talented "copywriters" to work for our WordPress Blog would like to become a guest author. In our eyes, successful guest posts that offer our readers real added value in the area of WordPress are always data-driven and interesting. Our guidelines below explain the requirements your guest post should meet to be published on our blog.

Your contribution should include

Exciting content

Your guest post on our WordPress blog can be all exciting topics around WordPress, online marketing topics such as SEO/SEA, Google Ads, web design or hosting.

We look forward to receiving suggestions from you on current topics with a well thought-out and original concept. When suggesting a topic, please make sure to avoid duplicating topics. Our blog should not already contain a post on exactly this topic. We want to offer our readers a broad spectrum so that all visitors can gain the greatest added value from the blog.

Note: If you would like to become a guest author for a post, you should agree the topic with us before writing the text. This way we can ensure that you don't waste time on a text that we won't be able to publish afterwards. As a guest author, you will be provided with sparring partners who will be happy to help you find a topic for your article.

Guest authors are particularly appreciated by our readers for the following content:

  • Step-by-step instructions
  • Checklists that are thought through down to the smallest detail
  • Tips, tricks or magic tricks for specific areas
  • The best XY 2021 - for example plugins for WordPress
  • Detailed analyses

Become a guest author for WPspace and reach exciting people! Our Target group of the content are WordPress professionals, web designers, online marketers, hosting specialists and all those who want to become one. Please consider the target group when formulating your texts. Even beginners and laypeople should be able to understand your text and derive added value from it. And please do this without googling for the reader.

Reader-friendly structure and appropriate word count

The Length of your contribution should contain at least 2000 words. There are virtually no upper limits. However, the article should not be unnecessarily long so that it appears bloated. Instead, use the length of the article to add value for the reader, for example through exciting facts, analyses or comparisons.

For a reader-friendly structure Please insert a new content element, such as an image, video, infographic, GIF or similar, regularly (approx. every 350 words: wherever it fits). This not only loosens up the text, it also captivates the "lazy readers".

Please avoid overly convoluted sentences, word repetitions and "man" sentences. Often these sentences simply don't sound nice and lead to an unrounded overall result.

(Language and technical terms:

Becoming a guest author only works in German, because all our contributions are published in German language written. We know that technical terms are often commonly used in English. You don't have to reinvent the wheel here and can of course use them in your guest post.

For the Addressing readers we always use the "you" form of address in our posts. In addition, we always capitalize Du, Dich, Dein and Dir when addressing you directly. Alternatively, you can also use the neutral spelling.

General information:

  • This is No permanent advertising. That's why we set a maximum of one link in the body of the text to your website per post.
  • Please always refer to your sources in your article. The Source reference is always given after the (ab)sentence that refers to the content of the source in the following format: (Source:
  • We do not accept any kind of insults, unfounded criticism, racism or similar in our posts.
  • WPspace is not a link building platform
  • To Prevent duplicate contentyour post for the WPSpace blog may not be published in parallel on another blog. It does not matter whether it is your own blog or that of a competitor.

Here's what else you should know as a guest author

Once your post has been successfully published on our blog, we will regularly check that it is up to date. We reserve the right to adapt, edit and update your post. This also includes the addition of call-to-actions to other WPspace content.

To become a guest author for your first post, we need the following things from you in addition to your guest post as a Word file:

  • We need the images, graphics and screenshots for your contribution separately from the Word document. The format of your graphics should ideally be SVG, alternatively you can also send us JPGs. Please make sure that the images are of good quality. In order for us to include these images in your guest post, they must be free of third-party rights.
  • We will create a personal profile for you as a guest author. For this we need your personal author description (up to 700 characters including spaces). Use your profile to inform visitors about your expertise.
  • Become a guest author with a face. To give our readers a personal impression of you, we would like to add a picture to your author profile. To do this, we need a picture of you for your author profile that is free of third-party rights.
  • Links to your personal or company profiles on social media, all of which we link to in your author profile.

All our guest authors will be listed in the overview after the publication of their first post. So if you are planning a second post for WPspace, all we need from you is the text and the corresponding graphics.

Become a guest author and enjoy benefits

We attach great importance to working together as partners. And because we know that a contribution is not just written on the side, we offer you exclusive benefits.

  • Your personal author profile. Your author profile contains a link of your choice, your picture and a detailed personal and/or company description of up to 700 characters (including spaces).
  • 100 % free publication of your contribution
  • Your post will be SEO-optimized free of charge
  • High visibility of your contribution throughout Germany
  • New posts appear automatically on our blog
  • Our readers are informed about new blog posts via our blog newsletter
  • Exciting exchange under your post with nice readers from the industry
  • We share your post via our social media channels for more visibility and reach
  • The number of your posts for WPspace is not limited
  • Use the link to your article for your personal press work or as a reference

Becoming a guest author for WPspace - the procedure

If you would like to become a guest author, simply register using our contact form. In addition to the classic details such as your name and e-mail address, we are also interested in who you are and what you do. Describe yourself in a few sentences so that we can get a first impression of you.

After we have checked your "Become a guest author" application, we will arrange a short telephone call to get to know you. Because we like to get to know everyone who becomes a guest author a little better in a short phone call. During the call, we can discuss possible topics and brainstorm together about which topics would suit you and our visitors.

If we have not yet decided on a topic, you can simply send us suggestions by email. We will discuss your suggestions as a team and then let you know the final topic.

Then you can get started as a guest author! You can start writing your guest article without any time pressure. As soon as you are happy with your first draft, send it to us as a Word file. Our SEO specialists and content writers will then send you feedback. This will ensure that your post is ranked as high as possible in Google and gets the visibility it deserves.

We look forward to seeing you!

The entire WPspace team is already delighted that you would like to become a guest author. As already mentioned, we see our guest authors as partners at eye level. That's why we're excited to see what we can learn from your expertise and appreciate your commitment.

Do you have any questions about how you can become a guest author or which topics are suitable for our WordPress blog? Then get in touch directly with your personal contact Isabell:

Picture of Isabell Bergmann
Isabell Bergmann
As an online marketing manager at WPspace, I love to share my knowledge around online marketing, web design and hosting.

Links marked with an * are affiliate links. If you buy a product via this link, WPspace receives a small commission. There are no additional costs or disadvantages for you! This has no influence on our opinion of individual products and services - we only recommend what we love ourselves.

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